We Are Saners


We are a worldwide community, determined to use nonviolent noncooperation to fix the polycrisis, halt climate collapse, and replace this dying civilization with a sane, caring one.

It’s Time To Give Up the Toys We Were Trained To Need

by | Sep 29, 2024 | General

Photo by Mert Kahveci on Unsplash

We must be responsible adults now, ready to actually live.

Marketers and other hucksters have taught us to want mountains of useless crap. We are addicted to bread and circuses, to the Internet, to gadgets.

We waste most of our lives in pursuit of this useless crap. We work instead of living. When we are done working, IF we are ever done working, we are too tired and perhaps too old to live fully.

We never live. We work and die. They call this civilization.


They teach us to hate others. We hate the countries that are ruled by the Communists. They were taught to hate the countries that are ruled by Plutocrats. And then there’s countries ruled by Sheiks and other (ridiculous) elites.

Nobody tells us that it doesn’t matter who exploits us, who wastes our lives, that we are fools for wasting our lives on behalf of ANY elite. Nobody tells us that it’s really stupid to hate other victims and crazy to respect the victimizers.

Actually, somebody is ready to tell you this. Somebody is prepared to tell you what, deep down, you already know. Read on. We’ll get to that.

Trapped and Loving It

We were taught that work ennobles us, when in fact it cheapens us. It dehumanizes us and reduces us to the role of means of production. We are valued ONLY to the degree that we produce wealth for an undeserving elite. Any actual LIVING that we do is derided as a hobby, as wasting time, as of no value whatsoever.

This is exactly ASS-BACKWARDS.

Yet we seek, identify with, and feel honored when we have “respectable jobs.” It’s like a giraffe bragging because he got into the prestigious San Diego Zoo.

It’s ridiculous. And routine. And accepted as unquestioned truth worldwide.

We, ordinary people, have been gaslit and are participating in gaslighting ourselves and others. We are lying to ourselves. We are not our jobs. We are human beings. But we are living like fools.

We are doing this because we don’t know any better and because we are given no other choice. We must work to get money, to eat, to stay alive. That’s the system. That’s capitalism, and communism and every other current human-created system.

But it’s not Nature’s system. Natural law requires us to eat, to have shelter, and little else. Natural law requires that we, as a species, produce perhaps 10% of what we produce today. Just those necessities. Add in another 5% and we get medicine, science-based healthcare and a few truly valuable life enhancements.

We should give up the crap, the gadgets we are addicted to. Do you like your iPhone? I like mine. But I’d give it up forever in an instant to reclaim my life, to NEVER need to waste a moment of my life serving an undeserving elite. I’d much rather have a life than an iPhone. The dilemma itself is absurd.

What about you? Would you give up your job, give up “work” and labor - for no pay - for a few hours a month, helping to produce healthy food, medicine, or something else truly worthwhile? And give it away so EVERYONE has what they need, and we can all - at last - live with dignity? Actually have TIME to LIVE? And not anxiety about getting what you need to live?

But we have no power and, no choice, so we accept the excuses and explanations for our lifetime of exploitation, for the wasted hours, days, years and decades.

We are trapped, and have persuaded ourselves to love our captivity.

Waking Up From the Nightmare

Great men control history and we are all helpless pawns. That’s one of the lies we accept. Just as we accept that people are naturally selfish and greedy and cruel. We confuse the effect with the cause.

When people live in an exceptionally cruel and brutal system, one that lionizes and rewards terrible behavior…well, THEN, you produce that behavior.

We are not evil. We are not helpless. And we are not doomed.

Ordinary people everywhere, if even a tiny percentage awaken to reality, to the fact that elites do no real work and are 100% dependent on our complete cooperation and active participation in their insane scheme…well, we can STILL, at this late date, fix much of the damage and end the insanity.

That is the mission of The Saners —to prevent climate collapse and replace the current (shitshow) “civilization” with a sensible and humane society. We will do it with the well-worn strategy of nonviolent noncooperation. This is the same proven method that has ousted dictators and humbled empires and crushed evil repeatedly throughout history.

It’s not easy or guaranteed to succeed, but properly executed it can be all but unstoppable. Most participants need do little except publicize and tell others about the cause.

Our group, The Saners, uses a green dot (drawn from our logo) as our symbol. It represents a green healthy Earth. You can wear a green dot on your clothing daily, and when asked about it, tell them about The Saners and direct people to our website at WeAreSaners.org.

Thanks for reading. Please consider taking part in our (common) cause.

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