Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash
A health insurance (denial) corporation isn’t a person. It’s a fictional person created to turn the suffering of sick people into money, a reward for inflicting pain and death.
Let’s not kill people. Let’s not kill anybody. Let’s not even kill people who do bad things.
Have you ever done a bad thing? Every person who ever lived has done a bad thing. Of course, if you are in a position of power and influence, your bad thing has more impact. The real-world implications are bigger.
So, instead of killing people, let’s stop the bad things. Doesn’t that make sense? What did the killing of Brian Thompson accomplish? It killed a guy who did some bad things-and left a widow and two fatherless children.
And it won’t change healthcare for the better in any way shape or form. It can’t because a company like United Healthcare can’t be changed from within the system. When United Healthcare denies claims, causing suffering and death to people, it’s doing this to increase profits. Yes, the CEO orders these outrages. THAT’S A REQUIREMENT TO BE CEO.
So, don’t expect any better from the new CEO, even in the unlikely event that he cares and wants to be better. He can’t. Cruelty, and amoral greed are a requirement of the job.
The Government and the Media Protect Ongoing Cruelty-So They, Too, Are Morally Bankrupt
Both government and media—like for-profit corporations—are, properly, condemning the murder of Thompson. However, they have created a false dilemma. In their universe, we must be FOR Thompson and also forget or accept the ongoing cruelty and suffering caused by United Healthcare, and others in the healthcare denial for profit industry.
Health insurance companies don’t provide healthcare. They don’t provide any service at all. They don’t lower healthcare costs. They don’t improve outcomes. They simply engorge on the sick and dying.
Government and media are both institutions that run on money and greed and egos of incompetent and immoral people who think that, because they are rich, they are brilliant.
Sometimes, to our shame, we believe them. We think of them, sometimes, as evil geniuses. Or even heroic geniuses.
But they are clueless brutal selfish fools. These are the people who keep pumping out gigatons of CO2 emissions for money. How else can you describe someone who knows enough to understand that he is literally ruining the Earth, turning our beautiful planet into a hostile hellhole? What do you say about a person who uses his paltry “abilities” to destroy the future of his own children and grandchildren…even though he knows better?
What Can We Do? What Should We Do?
We aren’t yet organized well enough to get the results we’d like. But it’s time to apply moral force.
Every retiree on a Medicare Advantage plan, especially one by United Healthcare, should look to get off it and go onto government Medicare. We must remove money and support from the for-profit healthcare (denial) industry. It’s true that the incoming administration will try to destroy Medicare and to help the leeches of United Healthcare and their ilk.
But it’s good practice and good training to begin our resistance NOW. Our movement for the Earth, and for a humane civilization (to replace the failing cruel shitshow we live in today) WILL grow and become more of a force.
If you are not old enough to be on Medicare, you should at least make sure you leave United Healthcare. And look at the list of companies that are the worst, that reject claims at the highest rates. Ditch them. Tell everyone you know and love to ditch them.
Our lives are not for sale. We, like Brian Thompson, deserve to live. We will NOT give our money to those who want to kill us for money.
THAT would be insane. And we aren’t insane. Our leaders are insane. They think they can destroy the planet with CO2 and not feel the consequences.
But Nature is showing us what she does in response to the massive and ongoing abuse of our planet by businessmen and political fools.
Things look really bad right now. And they are bad. But we are far more powerful than we realize. What our leaders forget, and-sadly-what we ourselves have yet to realize is that WE HAVE ALL THE POWER.
We do all the work. When we refuse to obey our oppressors, their power evaporates. Because when we don’t obey them, they are helpless.
Now, all of these political and economic systems, and big media, are designed to keep us obedient and weak. If we defy them, we will starve because we need jobs.
But we don’t need jobs. We need food. We need medicine. We need shelter. WE are the ones who produce all of these things. WE can produce what’s needed—and ONLY what’s needed—and share and transform the world from an insane, greedy and supremely stupid place, into a humane society built on love and caring and sanity and respect for people and Nature.
And by refusing to produce all that other crap-crap for profit, stuff that’s useless or at best not important-we slash CO2 emissions and give our planet a chance to end the downward spiral that unbounded greed has put us on. As a bonus, we gain most of our lives back, time we can truly LIVE and not be imprisoned in cubicles or on factory floors.
We have the vision and the means to get there. We have begun. We are The Saners. We need more people, we need to grow. We need you.
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