Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash
Hey, “powerful people! Keep talking…to each other. WE aren’t listening to you. We aren’t interested. WE know what’s important and we are laser-focused on it. You are complete failures and WE are busy making things right.
So, this morning I see the media is making noise about the SNL audience cheering the name of Luigi Mangione. Oh, how evil those people are for supporting a killer! We are supposed to get defensive. Not gonna happen.
What bullcrap! We have leaders who fail to provide healthcare to taxpayers, who fail to protect our children against domestic arms dealers, and even fail to preserve a habitable planet.
All those dead children, all that suffering, all those lives wasted doing shit work in servitude inside factories and cubicles mean nothing to the undeserving elites. But they finally found something they care about—one of their own who was shot by another rich guy.
They pretend they don’t know about all those other problems. They pretend that they don’t know that people are abused by United Healthcare and other healthcare denial companies. They pretend that the only problem in the world is an act of violence against one of the elites.
Guess what? That’s one guy. It was bad and wrong. But for us, it’s a tiny incident in a gigantic ongoing rampage of abuse, of cruelty and of murder. We oppose violence. But as constant victims of violence, as victims of the intentional failure of our “leaders,” we feel a kind of satisfaction when CEOs start to feel the fear that our own children feel returning to school.
Our children, instead of learning, are ducking under desks. That’s what we care about. Our sick people are getting ripped off and dying, instead of getting healthcare. Our lives are wasted in a rat race that keeps us fearful, desperate and mere weeks from hunger and homelessness-so the elites can have an endless supply of compliant workers.
We are aware of all this. We are sick of it. We are tired, and we are done with all this crap.
We’ve figured it out. The leaders keep spewing bullshit and constantly threaten us with some new outrage—so we are distracted, and continue playing your game. But we are done.
They Won’t See It, At First.
We are The Saners—and we are dedicated to ending climate collapse, and fixing what’s broken in our world. But millions of people who don’t know about our movement—and our movement is nearly invisible so far—DO know they’re being used, and they know what’s important to them.
And it isn’t Brian Thompson or the security of the people denying them healthcare. We don’t hate Thompson. But he doesn’t interest us. Nor does Luigi Mangione.
We are interested in the quality of human life, in the preservation of the climate, in ending the waste of life in useless labor in cubicles and factory floors. And we aren’t interested in following the lead of the very people who led us into this colossal mess.
We don’t want to kill any of them. We simply are done listening to them, done obeying them, done serving them, done performing destructive acts for them. We are working on doing something different, something better.
Something SANE.
Ridiculous, Clueless Narcissism
While all the attention was focused on the ONE CEO, yet another of the (now) 971 school shootings of 2024 took place. It made the news—briefly—but the people who control the narrative don’t care. That’s just children.
They don’t care about children, or sick people, or anyone or anything EXCEPT THEMSELVES. There’s NO CREDIBLE PLAN to ensure that sick people get healthcare, or that our children are safe in school. There’s no talk about shorter work weeks so people can spent some time LIVING.
There’s nothing for ordinary working people, for the billions of people who are essentially enslaved, whether their masters are Russian, Chinese, American or whoever.
So, WE are taking on the issues that are important to us. Fortunately, there are literally billions of us and only thousands of fools who-up until now-called the shots.
Who’s Whistling In the Dark?
The Saners are getting the ball rolling, creating a strategy and an alternative for the billions who have been—up to now—victims. Our group has learned from history that abusive leaders and systems get all of their power from us—from our obedience and active support.
We know that leaders do nothing. Elon Musk never built a rocket. Pharaohs never built pyramids. Mussolini didn’t make a train run on time.
Those useless a-holes merely issue orders. And we’ve been scared and swindled into taking those orders. But the current scheme by leaders everywhere is a gigantic worldwide murder-suicide. They have us, on their behalf, ruining the Earth itself.
Here’s the thing—the leaders are guaranteed to lose. They have turned the Earth into their opponent. They are fighting against Nature, and Nature wins. Nature takes their wealth, their oil, their coal, their gas and turns it into brutal storms, floods, droughts, mudslides, heat waves, and shortages—conditions that makes a continued abusive civilization impossible.
This happens even if nobody opposes these rulers and systems. They are doing this to themselves. WE are merely collateral damage.
But we won’t sit by and let this happen. We understand. We care. And WE DO EVERYTHING so, if we have guts and brains, we can refuse to destroy things. We can refuse to obey. We can create something better, something humane, something beautiful.
They Want Us To Think They Are Invincible
Too many of us still believe that the abusive leaders and systems are too powerful, that we can’t do anything about the situation. That we are doomed.
And it is this attitude, reinforced by elites, that keep us helpless. We are ditching this attitude. Nothing changes attitudes faster or more completely than ordinary people dramatically and publicly defeating authority.
How powerful did the British feel when they were ejected from their Indian colony? How powerful did Hosni Mubark, Ferdinand Marcos, Nicolae Ceaușescu, Serzh Sargsyan, Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, Ali Abdullah Saleh, Muammar Gaddafi, and Slobodan Milosevic feel when they were ousted by popular movements?
No matter how powerful or cruel or clever they are, dictators are just people and when the people they rule refuse to cooperate, they are done.
Contrary to popular belief, nonviolent noncooperation can work anywhere at any time. Disobedience is an unbeatable weapon. It can work in our current situation, against the leaders and systems behind the current polycrisis.
The Saners intend to show the way. We will not only begin withdrawing our support-initially focusing on an end to fossil fuels—but we will also build alternative institutions so we can provide what people really need—food, medicine, shelter and the like-for themselves and each other.
We choose to take care of ourselves and each other. We intend to live. We won’t waste our lives producing jets and yachts and other goods and services for lazy and cruel and clueless a-holes.
The Saners have studied history and, in particular, the history of movements. We know what usually works and what usually fails. We intend to apply nonviolent noncooperation, in a strategic way, to change the culture and organization of the entire world.
There is still a beautiful planet, and although it’s already permanently damaged, we will save what can be saved. And those who have made it this far, we will make sure that going forward their lives are their own, and that they can live under the best and most humane civilization in history.
Please read about The Saners and sign up to create this better world.
I am just beginning to learn about The Saners. I intend to continue learning more and I expect that I will have more to say soon..
Thank you, Bob!