We Are Saners


We are a worldwide community, determined to use nonviolent noncooperation to fix the polycrisis, halt climate collapse, and replace this dying civilization with a sane, caring one.

The Biggest Danger to Exploiters Is People Getting Along and Refusing to Obey Abusive Authorities

by | Oct 9, 2024 | General

Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash

Sane caring people are the vast majority, and we as a group should simply use our power and forget our fears.

MAGA lunatics threaten the people of Springfield, Ohio because the townsfolk live together happily. Trump is threatening to revoke the legal status of Haitian immigrants in that town and deport them.

Trump and exploiters of all kinds want us divided, scared and obedient.

In fact, if we aren’t divided, scared and obedient, then a-holes like Trump are exposed for what they are: racist old impotent weak and-soon-dying men who have wasted their pathetic lives spewing bile.

Our joy, like water on a witch, destroys them. Our friendship robs them of power. Our kindness exposes the pathetic lies that they use to justify their cruelty.
Love, generosity, kindness, friendship and mutual respect can banish most of this evil from our planet. We have a plan to do this.

The bigger plan, that of the movement The Saners, is to withdraw our support (ultimately and especially our labor) from the fossil fuel industry-to prevent climate collapse. But we plan more than that. We intend to end the abusive elitist systems worldwide that has billions wasting their lives producing unneeded crap to enrich undeserving elites.

We will produce much, much less and have much less stuff (crap) and have-instead-actual lives of our own. Given the choice, only fools will choose to waste their short lives on a ridiculous rat race.

But another part of the plan is a project called BeFriend.

About BeFriend: This Is YOUR Project

I haven’t done much for this project yet other than introduce the idea, pretty quietly. But it’s a great idea and I’m looking for someone-possibly someone who’s signed up as a Saner (and if you haven’t signed up, you can do so here), to lead BeFriend. We need an enthusiastic promoter.

This person will have my full support.

But what is BeFriend?

It’s a thumb in the eye of inhumanity. It exposes systems that reward cruelty, selfishness, greed and power lust as the ugly unworkable schemes that they are. Moreover, it shows how easy, sensible and appealing it is to form friendships across cultures and even among “enemies.”

It defangs the tactic of divide and conquer used by everyone from tin pot dictators to billionaire western plutocrats to the remaining communist parties to retain power and to exploit all of us.

It kicks out the pillars of support from the terrible “leaders” who have no legitimacy, because no leader or system that ruins the Earth deserves any respect or support. And because friends won’t take up arms against each other.

BeFriend is the public visible creation and display of friendship between people who “represent” groups that leaders have decided are enemies. It’s people drinking coffee (or whatever) together at a cafe, in the window or out front, with a table tent describing the BeFriend project, with the URL.

There are no enemies on Earth. We are all caretakers.

Pick the Other Never Mentioned Choice

Peace and love aren’t ridiculous hippie slogans. They are, in fact, the only viable and realistic policy choice. But this policy will never be carried out by nations. It will be carried out by people.

By you and me and by a billion friends we haven’t met yet.

The choice is for Pakistanis and Indians to defy their leaders and stereotypes and join hands, become friends. The choice is for Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs to do the same.

The choice is for all “enemies” to stand together as friends and denounce violence and all purveyors of violence and exploitation and reach out to each other. To help each other. To share what they own. To invite each other over for a home cooked meal.

These acts will force a change in thinking, in how the world is seen, in what is possible. Even starting on a small scale, this would be noticed, seen and should become a full-scale movement.

Because this gives people genuine hope and a real actionable strategy. It’s not the WHOLE thing, but a significant and important start for building a better world. It is an early step supporting sanity, the vision of The Saners, and a meaningful step towards a humane sustainable civilization.

I must concentrate on The Saners right now. There is only one of me. But I need someone who would like to talk about and take on BeFriend. You will have my full support. I’ll write about it, make videos, and do whatever else I can. But I can’t lead both The Saners and BeFriend.

If you are interested, email me at ray@wearesaners.org.

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