We Are Saners


We are a worldwide community, determined to use nonviolent noncooperation to fix the polycrisis, halt climate collapse, and replace this dying civilization with a sane, caring one.

The Plan


The Saners intend to prevent climate collapse, and change the culture and values worldwide, with love and generosity and caring about Life and Nature as core values. Greed, selfishness, hatred, violence, power lust and narcissism would be deprecated.


We intend to harness people power, applying proven strategies built on the principle of nonviolent noncooperation. We will disempower evil by not cooperating with it. Our approach is series of campaigns designed to weaken the ability of authorities to continue their abuse.


We will develop tactics and use them at appropriate times. The tactics will spread our messages, recruit new activists, and weaken support for (and cooperation with) the abusive forces whether they are plutocrats, multi-national corporations, communist parties, or dictators.

The current situation worldwide appears to be dismal and gettng worse. For many, it seems hopeless. Hatred and abuse seems to be growing, with these terrible instincts and behaviors getting support from a growing number of fascist governments.

At the same time, the potential for a better world, a shockingly better world, is here. It is achievable. And we—ordinary people with no titles, no authority, no great wealth, and no apparent influence—are the ones best positioned to make it happen.

You see, in the past extraordinary leaders started and sustained great movements—and they were the key to success. But today we don’t have a Gandhi or a Martin Luther King. But because they blazed a path and left us a framework for change, we don’t need to have or to be charismatic geniuses. We just need to learn the lessons they left us, and that others have improved on over time. The framework we need exists. Everything we need to learn is here for us.

And so, the key for The Saners is for us to learn. We must learn how to be an effective movement and we must practice our activism, our disobedience skills, so that we can execute our plans properly. This will enable to us to protect the planet so our children will inherit a habitable Earth. And we will also give them a better society, one that is built on benevolent values—almost the exact opposite from the worldwide culture of today.

To make this happen, we do NOT need everyone. We don’t even need a majority. Throughout history, it has always been a small group of dedicated people and a wider group of supporters who made the most significant changes. So, we do not need unanimity—but we need YOU. We need people who care, and even if you don’t have much time your support in spreading out message is very, very helpful.

And if you are even more enthusiastic, and have a bit more time and energy…well, you can do even more. Today we are still a small (but growing) movement. We have members in more than 20 countries, and we are in more than half of the United States.

Sign up. Do it right this moment. That’s the first step. We will have opportunities for you to learn and act. We will have meetings to discuss things. We have a budding online community. We will distribute (captivating!) learning materials and create free courses. (You can get a sampling HERE.)

Most of all, we will be preparing to change the world. We mean to make it happen. This isn’t mere virtue signaling. This is the real thing. Sign up and welcome aboard!