Next LIVE Saners video chat is Sunday, February 16 at 5pm (NYC time)!

We Are Saners

We are a worldwide community, determined to use nonviolent noncooperation to fix the polycrisis, halt climate collapse, and replace this dying civilization with a sane, caring one.

This Time, They’re Not Pulling Back From the Abyss

by | Oct 14, 2024 | General

Photo by Jason Fitt on Unsplash

Foolish leaders and systems have nearly destroyed the world several times. This time, we need to reject them and save our children ourselves.

We’ve had an ongoing threat of nuclear war for more than half a century. We came extremely close during the Cuban Missile Crisis and on other less well-known occasions.

Our species has the capablity of destroying itself and ruining the biosphere that makes human life possible. This time, our leaders and systems will not pull back. This time, they will do the unthinkable and the unforgivable.

Unless WE stop them. We can. We forget that we can. We comfort ourselves with lies, but most of us know that the excuses for ongoing fossil fuel use are lies. We try to sleep through the crisis, but we sleep fitfully.

The climate collapse is here, and STILL there isn’t even a planet-wide plan to save us. Just tired lies and more fossil fuels and vague assurances that everything will be okay.

It won’t. IT ISN’T.

Let’s Not Be the Uvalde Police Force

Infamously, during the Robb Elementary School shooting in Uvalde, Texas, the police refused to enter the classrooms, giving the shooter enough time to finish his massacre unimpeded.

WE must not allow the fools who are protecting the fossil fuel industry-the industry that is threatening everyone’s children, and targeting every person on this Earth-to continue the massacre they are currently carrying out.

The shooting has begun.

Every super storm, every record-breaking flood, unprecedented heat domes, and other phenomena that climate scientists warned us about are taking place. We know they will not only continue; they will intensify. It will get worse.

Climate collapse is a massive threat and it won’t go away. It will finish us off if we continue to empower the fools who are, in actual effect, fighting for worldwide unnecessary death.

Here’s the kicker. They are SO INCREDIBLY STUPID that they are knowingly destroying the entire future of civilization, destroying the lives of their own children, for “power” and wealth. They are trivial foolish people who should never be allowed to be in charge of anything. But, they are acting in accord with existing systems which encourage and even reward that kind of unbounded idiocy.

They obey. They do what’s expected of them. And when we go along or even support them, we are accomplices in our own destruction.


NOT Impossible. Been There, Done That.

This is the point when, reflexively, “sensible and realistic people” come to the defence of the idiots. And they assure everyone that either resistance is futile or that it’s not so bad.

We even hear the incredibly stupid observation that the world will be just fine without us. Of course it will. But who gives a shit about THAT?!

No, resistance isn’t futile. Nonviolent noncooperation is doable, and it is effective. And the reason it’s effective is twofold:

  1. The fools who are in charge do nothing. They are 100% dependent on us to do their dirty work. If we don’t, they have no power whatsoever. Our obedience is their only power.
  2. Our cause is not only just, and reasonable, and necessary-it’s irresistibly attractive to any and every sane person. Who wouldn’t prefer to NOT waste their lives producing useless crap to make plutocrats, dictators or communist party officials richer and more powerful? Who wouldn’t prefer less stuff and MORE LIFE? Who wants to waste their short life on Earth in a cubicle or on a factory floor?

Yes, we can do this. Yes, you can join up and contribute with your voice. Even the smallest and simplest efforts will help. You can put up a poster, or wear the Green Dot.

You can read about and talk about The Saners movement. We are the group, the only group I know of, planning to use an escalating series of nonviolent noncooperation tactics to stop climate abuse, stabilize the Earth’s climate, and build a better civilization for everyone.

It’s us or chaos and death. Which do you choose?

See: Wear the Green Dot. Spread the word so we can grow and so we can do what needs to be done. So we can stop the insanity.

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