Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash
I see that this is missing from the world. I’m learning from history. We now have a group that might be the missing part, that could prevent climate collapse and create a humane civilization. Would you join?
There are many groups sounding the alarm and others trying to pressure leaders to do the right things. And there are climate groups trying to get businesses and individuals to reduce their own CO2 emissions.
I admire all of these well-meaning, hard-working, sincere (usually) and thoughtful groups. The most maligned of them put themselves at risk and go to jail for committing acts that people find annoying-like disrupting public events or blocking roads. Others perform mock destructive acts, like pouring soup on the protective glass of paintings.
None of these people are doing anything as horrible and destructive and deadly and unforgivable as producing, distributing, and selling the fossil fuels that are ruining the world for ourselves and our children and the other creatures that share this Earth.
The strategies and tactics simply aren’t working. America is the biggest producer of fossil fuels in history. The other major industrial relations are similarly committing deadly acts and pretty much doing the maximum damage possible at the fastest possible rate.
In reality, the battle against climate collapse does not exist. No meaningful progress has ever been made. There is no plan to prevent climate collapse, only to justify continuing the destruction.
Our leaders and systems-all of them-have failed catastrophically. In most cases, this failure is intentional.
To knowingly ruin the planet that you and everyone you live on or to help others ruin it is literally insane.
Our entire planet is insane and heading straight for a self-inflicted apocalypse. That’s simply the science and the reality.
IF we want a better outcome, WE-the sane and caring people of Earth-must start, lead and carry out a working plan. And we must do it SOON.
What If We Had the Power All Along?
Dorothy is told by Glenda the Good Witch that she had the power to return home from Oz all along. But Glenda said that she didn’t tell Dorothy, because the Kansas girl wouldn’t have believed her.
Many of you won’t believe me, but WE DO have the power to fix (much) of what’s wrong. And we’ve had this power all along.
That power is nonviolent noncooperation. Throughout history, up to and including NOW, relatively small groups of ordinary people have developed and led campaigns of nonviolent noncooperation to change the world for the better. Sometimes, we know the names of the leaders of these movements, but the leaders are the tip of the iceberg.
Yes, Martin Luther King was a wise and brave leader. But he was only part of a movement. The same is true of Gandhi, and Cesar Chavez and every famous individual who became the face of a movement.
But it’s the GROUP of people, the people often invisible to history. We need to build that group, and to develop our own strategies based on the principles of effective movements, adapted for our current time and circumstances.
That’s what our group, The Saners, is attempting to do. We are pretty confident that we are on the right track strategically and tacticly. But we need to recruit more members, and we need to carry out the tactics effectively. We can afford to make some mistakes-this is inevitable-but will need to persevere through to victory.
Other movements have succeeded. We can, too. Yes, it’s trickier than clicking our heels together three times. But right now most people are trapped or tricked into working hard for the very people and systems that are killing us.
With a redirection of our efforts, we can and must-at least a few percent of the population-change the world as others have done in the past.
Read more about the Saners at our website, see the YouTube channel and especially sign up for our email list.
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