We are in more than 25 countries and many of the United States. We intend to use the history-proven principles of nonviolent noncooperation to prevent climate collapse and replace the current shitshow “civilization” with a humane, sane society.
It’s all hands on deck. For god’s sake:

The Green Dot Campaign
Wear the Green Dot. Get a package of the dots at any stationery store. Wear one on your clothing every day. It’s a conversation starter. People will ask about it, and you will tell them it’s the symbol of The Saners. You will tell them that we are an activist group determined to prevent climate collapse and build a better, more humane, civilization.
When you put it that way, it’s pretty hard to object!

Download this powerful Saners pamphlet. It describes the danger of ridiculously wasting our short precious lives, producing (mostly) crap to benefit an unworthy elite—and ruining the Earth itself in the process. We have an alternative! This is far seeing and far reaching stuff.
Print. Read. Share.
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Urgent: Sign Up For General Strike US
This could be the kick off for a worldwide grassroots tsunami to prevent climate collapse and replace our really stupid, greedy, insane civilization with a workable loving one. Well, I don't consider anybody who's trying to improve the world through nonviolent...
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WE NEED YOU to help spread our messages. All that is required for evil to win is for good people to remain silent.
We need your voice to let everyone know that they can join in our noble cause, and that together we can—ultimately—bring about a better world, maintain the Earth’s habitability, and live in a better society by NOT cooperating with bad actions and bad judgement.
Get and stay involved by reading and commenting on our blog, scheduling a one-on-one chat with the movement’s founder, or join a live online group meeting. Subscribe to the YouTube channel, listen to the podcast (5 Minutes To Save The Earth), and talk with friends, neighbors and strangers about the movement!